Sam Gonzalez Silva – Director of Silva UltraMind International

Sam Gonzalez Silva – Director of Silva UltraMind International
Sam Gonzalez Silva, Jose Silva’s Nephew, has been Involved with the Silva Method Since the Early 50’s. As a Youth, Sam Worked in his “Uncle Joe’s” Radio & TV Shop. He also Participated in Jose Silva’s Research as a Subject on Some of his Projects to Demonstrate the Power of the Human Mind.
Through Most of his Life Sam has Applied his Own Unique Approach to Using Jose Silva’s Techniques to Bring out the Best in Himself & Others.
Sam Completed his BA in Psychology with the University of Nebraska & his Masters Program with the University of North Colorado in Counseling and Guidance. He served in the U. S. Air Force for Twenty-Two Years as an Electronics Technician, Working on Navigational Systems & Computers. Upon his Retirement from the Air Force in October, 1978, He Started His New Career with Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health in Las Vegas.
In His New Venture, he Performed Duties as a Mental Health Tech, Outpatient Counselor, Inpatient Counselor, Director of Day Program, Administrator to Inpatient, Director of Psychological Services for the Detention Centers, Director of Crisis Services, Director of Case Management & Prior to His Retirement from State Service in October 2004, as Director of Community Services.
He has been working at Safe Nest Center for the past Sixteen years and is a Domestic Violence Counselor for Safe Nest Center for the past Eight years.
Sam has been a Lecturer for Jose Silva’s Seminars Since August, 1980.